November 3, 2007

Uber Cuteness

Rori had her first playtime today. By that, I mean today was the first time she played with any of her toys ... and somehow I was lucky enough to have my video camera on hand. Seriously, this is huge, I never have my video camera ready for this stuff. Anyway, this is mostly for the Grandparents and family, but I reckon there are a few others out there that'll find this more cuteness than they can handle.

You've been warned.


Shawna said...

It's stuck on 5 items remaining and won't come up!!!!! Is is a very big file?? Can you email it to me cause I'd love to see it :)

Chris said...

It's a 64 meg file, I believe, it's just a youtube video so it shouldn't be a problem because it's streaming. Maybe it's the computer? But no, it's a video and I can't really email it to you ... which is why I put it up on youtube in the first place (sorry!)

Shawna said...

I just noticed that they've restricted access to youtube here at work, so that's probably the reason, I'll just have to check it when I'm not at work!!

Dan Underwood said...

nice. love the baseball prospects here. by the way - what's up with all the Christmas music in the background? I mean, it's not even Thanksgiving yet? I'm just sayin....

Sal said...

I have this theory that if you continually talk to babies in funny voices they will eventually adopt that as their accent... maybe Rori's first words will be "chuck the duck"?
Keep up the good word people you have one gorgeous kid growing up there!
Oh and I miss you guys!

Shambach's said...

Rori is so cute! I was so excited to see her for the first time in passing about 2 weeks ago. Thanks for posting the video :-P Adorable (and I see she's sitting one of those popular Bumbo seats! Haha. How cool.

Kana said...

way too much cuteness in one video for my taste, but she is a cute kid. :)

Personally, I like the color of the bumbo seat - purple :-D
And something I found online - a tray that goes with it!
Bumbo Play Tray