Just posting a few random happenings in the world of Chris.
The lappy got a heart transplant yesterday. My sound card was acting funky (I had to push my headphone jack to get the speakers to work, but headphones worked fine ... so weird), so Dell sent a guy out to replace not only the speakers, but the entire motherboard as well, and I didn't pay a cent. Thanks Dell! And to the tech, thanks for your patience with my laundry list of questions, and congrats! He gets married tomorrow.
We had a visitor at Coldstone yesterday. I found this (not so) little guy chillin' on the front door. When I flicked him off, he flew up, flew back at me, bounced off my shirt, and then landed back on the windows of the store. So I just left him there, where he remained the better part of the day. Who knew. He was pretty cool though.
An amusing sign we saw at the repair shop where our car got its oil changed recently.

Patrick over at Tentpegs has started a fantastic series on pacifism. It's an amazing read.
An amusing sign we saw at the repair shop where our car got its oil changed recently.
Patrick over at Tentpegs has started a fantastic series on pacifism. It's an amazing read.

The best part is that, because most of the game is spent inside people's minds, the possibilities are endless. For example, one level is spent running around on a cube inside a James Bond-ish guy's head. Every face is up; so you have to re-orient yourself every time you cross a corner. It's so totally different from other games that follow all the rules that I can't not but enjoy it.
Oh. And a video. It's horribly irreverent, but it makes me laugh. I guess it's a good thing that God has a sense of humor too. Enjoy.
Glad you got around to Psychonauts (especially because it's dirt cheap these days). Fantastic game vision - just wait till you get to the psychedelic running of the bulls level.
Heh. There really is a level like that.
video is definitely funny. Never watched that show before. Haven't commented in a while because I thought I had RSS'ed you and never saw any updates (I was thinking your little girl was taking up all your time). I realized today, however- I had never pressed that nice little button and had been missing out on all the great reading and insights that Chris has to offer me. So, I'm back on board and ready to interact!
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