July 1, 2007

And Then There Was Cuteness

Thought I'd post a few more pictures of the obnoxious cuteness ...


Shawna said...

Liz I can't believe you're a mom!!

Shannon said...

We're so happy for you guys!! Aurora Eve is such a beautiful name, well worth the wait. We're excited about coming back to Kentucky and meeting your new girl!

Mike said...

Obnoxious! And cute! How true your words are, Chris. How very true. But I do look forward to seeing the whole family :D

P.S. The first picture looks like Aurora just told you guys a joke. Liz actually got the joke, so she's laughing, but your ridiculously happy expression flows purely from a sentiment along the lines of "Aurora just told her first joke!"

Kana said...

LOL how true, Mike. :)

Shawna said...

When do we get to see more cuteness?!