I believe that perspective outweighs objective analysis. As a person, I am subject to a history; my cumulative experiences, lessons-learned, my language, relationships, culture, and social systems merge together to form my perspective, the lens through which the unique personality called the “self” observes the absolute nature of the world. In effect, each person speaks a slightly different ‘language’ from every other person. Similar languages tend to group together, though not necessarily. When attempting to communicate one another, no one will for certain understand one another. They may come very close, given that many individuals in a given geographic area are likely to have had many similar experiences.
Given the problem of perspective, each philosophical paradigm becomes self-sustaining and self-contained; it is with great difficulty that they may interact, and even then, the interaction is somewhat superficial. Even words do not retain their original meanings when imported into another paradigm, and so it is with mixed results that we can analyze philosophical situations.

I myself am no less biased as anyone else; likewise, any argument I make may be countered from another person’s perspective, but that person will always hold certain assumptions (most of which they probably don't themselves realize) about the argumentative language that cannot be refuted. As such, logic cannot be used as a means to refute arguments between paradigms, only within a paradigm; we do not now, nor could we ever hold the exact same system of definitions in a given argument.
Having said this, I realize the quandary in which I have put myself; there is no guarantee that you, the reader, may or may not believe what I have to say. This is why I believe that some element of faith is an inescapable component of any philosophical paradigm. One may choose to change their belief system based on experience alone, but in the end, we all accept our own beliefs on an act of faith; faith that our five senses have not deceived us, faith in our memory and its ability to remember, and faith that the logic we’ve used in our language-system is not faulty (or indeed that logic even works at all). Since we view our reference points FOR logic through our perspective-lenses, there is no guarantee we are seeing them in their fixed location, or indeed, that we see them at all.

The humans live in time but our Enemy [God] destines them to eternity. He therefore, I believe, wants them to attend chiefly to two things, to eternity itself, and to that point of time which they call the Present. For the Present is the point at which time touches eternity. Of the present moment, and of it only, humans have an experience analogous to which our Enemy [God] has of reality as a whole; in it alone freedom and actuality are offered them. He would therefore have them continually concerned either with eternity (which means being concerned with Him) or with the Present – either meditating on their eternal union with, or separation from, Himself, or else obeying the present voice of conscience, bearing the present cross, receiving the present grace, giving thanks for the present pleasure.
Thus, the only way to understand if we are free is to understand each present moment of our experience; we must know that we are free NOW. Some moments might have elements of both choice and causality; many factors can affect the options from which a person has to choose. Which moments are of import? Which choices are the most significant?

So are we free?
I believe we are. The only time we are free is the present, but the present is the only time that matters; we are only able to choose in the present. We plan for the future, but only insofar as it is a present duty. Our ability to choose makes us free. With that freedom, however, comes responsibility. No person is isolated; we must realize that our choices affect others. How we make our choices can determine how things happen long after we've made them. How you use your freedom is up to you.
1 comment:
That lego relativity picture is way too confusing...
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