I suppose returning home shouldn't be such a big deal most of the time. But this time it felt weird somehow. Liz and I were walking (half running, really) to the train to go pick up Wisdom today, and she mentioned to me the same feeling: it's like home, but not ...
I think this is probably more of an issue to those people, like me, who have never really moved much. I spent the first eighteen years of my life in one house (minus the first two weeks of my life, spent across the street), and the next four in college half an hour away, and the next year half an hour south. I suppose it's only natural to feel odd about calling a new city "home," but in our case the city in question is literally half a world away from the place we've both grown up. To return to Melbourne from Cairns was funny because in a way, it's like Melbourne was supposed to be a vacation - albeit, a long, work-filled one - and "returning home" only applied to one place before.
All this to say, I did a lot of writing while I was in Cairns. It was a fantastic week of rest, relaxation, diving, and eating. For your literary convenience, I thought perhaps I'd provide links to each post. There are some great photos in there, if you don't really feel like reading my ramblings. Really, I won't be hurt.
All this to say, I did a lot of writing while I was in Cairns. It was a fantastic week of rest, relaxation, diving, and eating. For your literary convenience, I thought perhaps I'd provide links to each post. There are some great photos in there, if you don't really feel like reading my ramblings. Really, I won't be hurt.
Wow you seem to be living a pretty good life. I know so many people that are barely making it in the Rochester area. It's cool that you get to do so many interesting things.
Yeah, God's blessed us with some pretty crazy opportunities. I'm not quite sure why, sometimes, and often enough I feel guilty about it, like I don't deserve it. Which, hey, I really don't. So I make the most of what I get to do and take as many pictures as I can and write as creatively as possible so that other people can experience too, even if just a little bit.
The approach to psychology isn't "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" as you mentioned. Biblical counseling affirms that while psychology may be helpful, it's not authoritative. When you get down to the base, the foundation, of many psychological theories, they are unbiblical. Biblical counseling does not ignore one's past, the outward influences that have effected individuals, but rather looks at one's past through the lense of Scripture and who God says man is. As I said, psychology can be helpful, but it's not authoritative nor sufficient. Does that help any? Thank you for your concern and your comment, and let me know if I can answer any other questions you may have.
Grace and peace~
Psychology helps in such areas as: life experience, practical suggestions, and observation.
Wow, I am an idiot. I responded to the wrong blog entry and totally jumped into a topic that has no relation to what I was trying to respond to...
My apologies! I meant to respond to one of your comments on my blog and ended up typing it in the response window here.
Sorry for the seemingly rude and random interruption. :)
Oh no worries, I'm glad to know that the SBC isn't trying to rid the world of research that's actually helpful, no matter where you posted it :)
Thanks, and thanks for visiting my blog! Grace and peace~
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